Learn About TRP Components and Hazardous Substances
Four Elements of a Tribal Response Program
Element 1: Timely survey and inventory of brownfield sites.
Element 2: A response action will protect human health and the environment and will be conducted in accordance with applicable federal and tribal law and the tribe will complete the necessary response activities if the person conducting the response fails to complete them.
Element 3: Mechanisms and resources to provide meaningful opportunities for public participation including:
(i): public access to documents that the TRP relies on in making clean-up decisions or conducting site activities
(ii): prior notice and opportunity for comment on proposed clean-up plans and site activities
(iii): a mechanism by which -
I. a person that is or may be affected by a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant at a brownfield site in the community may request the conduct of a site assessment
II. an appropriate official shall consider and appropriately respond to a request under sub-clause I
Element 4: Mechanisms for approval of a clean-up plan, and a requirement for verification by and certification or similar documentation to the person conducting a response action indicating that the response is complete.
The Brownfield Redevelopment Process
Site Nomination and Eligibility Information
A site is brought to the attention of the TRP and an initial review will occur to determine if the site qualifies as a brownfield using the EPA definition.
Environmental Site Assessment
After a site is added to the TRP inventory, a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is conducted to determine if there is any actual contamination at the site. Further assessments or remediation may not be required if the findings of the Phase I ESA demonstrates that contaminates are unlikely to be present or that the contamination is under actionable limits. Site redevelopment, reuse, or expansion may occur directly thereafter.
If the presence of contamination is found to be likely, found above actionable limits, or was not able to be fully assessed, a Phase II ESA is conducted to further sample and analyze potentially contaminated media (e.g., soil, water, air). Remediation may not be required if the findings of the Phase II ESA demonstrate that contamination does not exceed actionable limits and site redevelopment, reuse, or expansion may therefore occur directly thereafter.
Remedial Action/Clean-up Planning
Media (soil, water, air, etc.) is remediated (e.g., cleaned up) when contamination exceeds regulatory cleanup standards.
Clean-up and Redevelopment
A site may be redeveloped, reused, or expanded once it has been confirmed that remediation was adequate.

Hazardous Substances
Illegal Dumping
Pursuant to the Illegal Dumping Ordinance, it is illegal to litter or dispose of any solid or liquid waste outside of the designated collection areas (i.e., transfer stations, trash bins, etc.). Violators of this rule may be subject to fines. Illegal dumping is hazardous to the environment and causes issues such as the death of wildlife, contamination of the soil and ground water, and wildfires.

Used Motor Oil
Please take care of our Mother Earth - change and dispose of your used motor oil properly!
For more information on how to dispose of your used motor oil and oil filters properly follow the link below or contact the PLPT Public Utilities District at (775) 574-0268, extension 24.
Information about used motor oil (EPA)
Soil that is contaminated with motor oil will remain contaminated for decades, even a small spill will remain for 20 - 30 years. Contaminated soil poses health risks for humans and animals as well as leaching into ground water which can contaminate drinking water in domestic wells.
Don't let this

Turn into this

Abandoned housing/commercial buildings
Abandoned buildings, including both residential and commercial buildings, can contain hazardous materials such as lead based paint, asbestos, and unknown chemicals. Buildings which have been sitting unused for an extended period of time may also contain mold. Stay out of all abandoned buildings, especially when fencing and signage are present. For more information about these hazardous materials check the links below.
Information about asbestos (EPA)
Information about mold in homes (EPA)
Information about mold in schools and commercial buildings (EPA)