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Ask a question or provide information about a brownfield or hazardous site here

If you would like to report a spill or a site contaminated or suspected to be contaminated with a hazardous waste/substance, pollutant, or contaminant, please fill out Form 105 and follow the instructions for submission that are included in the form.
If you have a program-related question or would like to provide information about a site that is listed on the public record or any of the inventories, please visit, call, or email us; listed below is our contact information.
To report a release or threatened release of hazardous wastes/substances, pollutants, or contaminants that poses an imminent threat of substantial harm or endangerment to human health and the environment, please call 911 immediately. The Tribal Response Program also asks that you please fill out and submit Form 105 to report such an incident after the appropriate agencies have been contacted.
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